Mar 29, 2009

Lost sunglasses

One beautiful sunny day my dear flat-mate Iva lost her sunglasses at the university here in Portugal. It's kind of easy to imagine how upset she was and so she kept on looking for them everywhere. She went back to school to check if they're not there, because she still hoped that Portugal is not like Czech Rep. or Poland and that people would not take almost-brand-new-D&G's sunglasses that they've found forthemseleves. However, Iva's Portuguese friends told her that there is no chance to find them...

After the longest weekend of her life, Iva went to the university on Monday and for the last time made an effort to find them. She asked the portier who obviosly didn't speak English if he havn't seen anything like what she lost... and the miracle happened! There they were. It turned out that she left them in the ladies room.

The moral of the story is:
Portugal is not like Czech or Poland. If you've lost sth you still have a chance to find it!


  1. Zé MárioMarch 30, 2009

    Here in Portugal we have a saying:

    "Fia-te na virgem e não corras..."

    Anyway, glad to hear that. =)

  2. I have got also beautuful red sunglasses - with flowers on both sides :]

  3. Nice story, friend! ;o)

  4. You're gonna tell this story to ur grandchildren Iva! ;o)
