Mar 13, 2009

Oviedo - Yourope Needs You!

Oviedo is the capital city of Asturias, located in northern Spain.
It has approximately 200 000 inhabitants.

The flag of Asturias
Most famous and characteristic monument is definetly the cathedral of San Salvador from 14th century. On the other hand, the most controversial gigant modern building looks like a space ship. It was designed by the architect Santiago Calatrava and will house a Congress Centre and the shopping mall Espacio Buenavista.

The whole city center is also filled with loads of interesting monuments presenting people living there in the past, pieces of modern art and even Woody Allen! The statue of Woody is proudly "walking" along one of the main streets of the city. However, the glasses were stolen recently.

Woody Allen, while reciving the Prize Prince of Asturias of the Arts in 2002, expressed:
Oviedo is an exotic, delicious, beautif
ul, clean, agreeable, and calm city. It is as if it did not belong to this world, as if it did not exist... Oviedo is like a fairy-tale.

The reason why I went to Oviedo is simple - one of the AEGEE events took place there!
"Yourope needs you" traning course was devoted to spreading knowledge about Europe, its values and european citizenship among highschool students. During the whole week together with a bunch of amazing students from all around Europe I've participated in workshops and at the end prepared an incredibly interactive lesson for teenagers. It was the best lesson in my life and I wish that all my teachers could see it!

Thanks to the local organizers and very friendly members of AEGEE-Oviedo we've tried carbayones (traditional asturian sweets), sider (kind of wine poured into to the glass from height) and experienced the local night life.

Pouring Sider
Oviedo! I will never forget you.

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