Apr 2, 2009

Music: Xutos & Pontapés

One of the oldest Portuguese rock bands is Xutos & Pontapés. Its members started playing together in 1978. For the first time I've heard them during the very small festival of songs about Maria in Toulouse in September 2007. The song was entitled "Para Ti Maria" and here it goes:

Here is the lyrics translation:
De Bragança a Lisboa / From Braganca to Lisbon
são nove horas de distancia / it's nine hours of distance
queria ter uma avião / I wish I had a plane
para la ir mais a Siuda / To go there more often
Dei cabo da tolerancja / ruined the tolerance
rebentei com três radares / busted three radars
só para te ter mais perto / Only to have you closer
só para tu me dares / Only for you give me

Eu saio agora, e vou correndo / And I live now, I go running
e vou-me embora, e vou correndo / I'm running, It won't be long
ja não demora, e vou correndo para ti / I'm going running for you

Outra vez vim de Lisboa / Once again I came from Lisboa.
num comboio azarado / on a "bad-luck" train
nem maquina tinha ainda / even didn't have locomotive
e já estava atrasado / I was already late
Dei comigo agarrado. / I found myself obcessed
ao porteiro mais pequeno / by the smaller "thing in the watch" (hours)
e por-te a sentir á espera / By putting you waiting
rebolando-te no feno / rolling in the hay

Eu saio agora, e vou correndo
e vou-me embora, e vou correndo
já não demora, e vou correndo para ti

Seja de noite ou de dia
trago sempre na lembrança
a cor da tua alegria
o cheiro da tua trança
De Bragança a Lisboa
são nove horas de distancia
queria ter um avião
para la ir mais a miuda

Eu saio agora, e vou correndo
e não demora, e vou correndo
e vou-me embora, e vou correndo para ti
Maria, Maria
Maria, Maria

Recently, I've recived their album "Vida Malvada" (port. Wicked Life) as a birthday present from Ze Mario and keep on listening to the 30 great songs over and over again.

Looking forward to the concert in May! Who wanna join me?


  1. Still souvenirs of Toulouse ... that's great !

  2. The lyrics are not totally OK. Where did you got them?

    Instead of «só para tu me dares», it's «só para tu te dares» (only for you to give yourself).

    Not «e por-te a sentir á espera», but «e tu de certeza à espera» (and for sure you were waiting)
    Minor mistake: you wrote «porteiro» (doorman) instead of «ponteiro» (clock hand -- yes, it may be incredible, but that's the word...)

    Finally, it's not «para lá ir mais a Siuda» (which doesn't make sense), nor «para lá ir mais a miúda» (to go there with the girl), but «para lá ir mais amiúde» (To go there more often; your translation was correct!)
