Feb 8, 2009

Vila Real

Vila Real is not a very big city where I'm doing my Erasmus.
It is located between the rivers Corgo and Cabril. What's more the Marão and the Alvão mountains surround the town. Those who have experienced the Bieszczady mountains (Poland) can try to imagine Bieszczady and the city with 25000 inhabitants among them.
This is it. Vila Real.

View from my window (one of two)

I've arrived here on Sunday afternoon, after having exquisite portuguese lunch prepared by Ze Mario's mother. The way from Amarante was extremly foggy, thanks to the GPS I didn't have a feeling that the car is gonna fall into the abyss in a second. In this point, I should mention that Ze Mario drives very carefully, although he says that portuguese people are famous for being crazy drivers.

Vila Real welcomed us with even more fog and rain.
As soon as we've found the building, where I was going to stay for the next few months, we went to its owner to ask for the key and short explanation about the apartment. Well, finally there were 3 keys and a very long explanation in portuguese which included all the details about fishing season in Portugal and things like 'how to open the window", "how to hang laundry" or "how to sit down on a chair". So, after this speech that could compete with Fidel Castro's, it turned out that my home mates were in Dolce Vita, which is a nearby shopping center. I was in a desparate need of the heater in my room, so it was quite a good opportunity to buy one and also to get the Vodafone card. In Dolce Vita, Ze Mario easily recognized 2 non-portuguese girls - Iva and Maruška and we all got back to our hudge Ice Castle.
While spending the first evening in my new room I took off the gloves after 4 hours of having the heating on and the jacket one hour later. The night was $%#@^* cold but without my sleeping-bag it could be much worse...

(This is one of over 30 posts, which I accidentally deleted one day in January. Luckily, I was able to recover them thanks to the backup done by DanielSan! It's a pity that the comments are gone but someting is better than nothing.)

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