Jul 23, 2009

Mushroom Hunting

One of the most common weekend activities in Poland, next to fishing is grzybobranie (eng. mushroom hunting). That's what I did yesterday with my family nearby Rogoźno.
At this time of the year the mushroom that may be found most easily in the forests of Poland is the one called kurka (eng. chanterelle).

Over 10 years ago my family and I visited my father's friend, who used to live in the middle of nowhere in Southern part of Sweden. As soon as we go into the Swedish forest it turned out that Swedes hardly ever do mushroom hunting so it seemed to me a mushroom paradise to us. However, when we got back to our host's house and started preparing our hunts on the pan, he came down and told us that, according to Swedish people, all of the mushrooms were poisonous except the yellow ones - chanterelles. Obviously, we ate all of them and nobody got sick. I guess it was a perfect example of a cultural difference.

If you ever come across a red mushroom in a Polish forest, then it must be muchomor. Don't even try to pick it up! It's one of those that you really shouldn't eat.


  1. do twarzy Ci z kurkami:))

  2. do koloru oczu mi pasuja, co? ;))

  3. tez.. choc mialam na mysli ten ich ksztalt:)
